Friday, February 4, 2011

Weight Loss for Idiots

Are you saying Im an idiot?

Weight lossis most defintely not for idiots.  Engaging in weight loss or any type of health venture is oneo f the smartest things anyone can do, not for idiots! There are many benefits, some life changing.  'Weight loss for Idiots'  is for anyone sitting outside the 'idiots' circle. Losing the weight can make you more energetic,  confident, healthier,and fitter.You'll earn respect not only from others but from yourself.  This can have a drastic change on your life. Anyone successfully achieving this goal is what I would coin a smart person. So why the title: 'Weight Loss for Idiots'? It's all about simplicity.

I want you to understand a course of action to take, a simple direct path to weight loss. Without all the  and jargon that leaves you feeling like one of the idiots. A simple plan with a simple explanation.

Weight Loss for idiots & Exercise:

Exercising for Weight Loss is not for idiots, the goal is to grow muscle and burn energy.  

Weight Loss for Idiots Rule #1: perform Weight lifting 3 or 4 times a week. Lifting Weights is the most proven activity to grow muscle. The more muscle you have, the more fat you will burn doing nothing (due to a heightened metabolism).

Weight Loss for Idiots Rule #2: Perform 30 - 45 minutes of aerobic activity before breakfast upto 4 times a week. Exercising before breakfast burns more fat, and sparks up your metabolism for hours.

Nutrition & Weight Loss for idiots:

You are what you eat and weight loss for idiots is about changing what you eat completely, and permantently to avoid a bounce in body weight.

Weight Loss for Idiots Rule #3: Eat exclusively: Fruits, Vegetables and natural meat (Chicken and Fish are best). Natural food are free of  all the harmful substances that promote fat storage, and burn more energy than processed food. Isabelle De Rios of the Diet Solution advises us to try to eat fresh fruits and vegetables that are grown locally, for a more vitamins and minerals, to enhance your weight loss.

Following these simple steps will have you  on track for a shrinking waist! A healthyamount of fat burning exercise  and nutritous food will bring the best results!

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